Peace News Summer Camp

Helping build a radical movement for the future by creating a living community today.

Workshop details 2009

There will be over 40 workshop sessions at the camp. A full programme will be online nearer the date but here is a selection:

– ‘Chomsky’s Politics’ with Milan Rai (Peace News)
– ‘Libertarian Education’ with David Gribble (author ‘Real Education: Varieties of Freedom’) and Leslie Barson (The Otherwise Club)
– ‘Local Anti-Arms Trade Campaigning’ with Smash EDO and Nottingham Against Militarism
– ‘Protest Camps’ with Faslane Peace Camp
– ‘Using the System – how activists can utilise the planning, legal and parliamentary systems’ with Juliet McBride (Aldermaston Women’s Peace Camp) and Andrew Wood who won a recent legal challenge against police surveillance of activists
– ‘Faith-based Resistance’ with Susan Clarkson (Oxford Catholic Worker)
– ‘Strategy Skills’ and ‘Consensus Decision-making’ with Seeds for Change (
– ‘Civil Liberties’ with the Repeal SOCPA campaign, Jim Brann (London CND) and others
– ‘Worker’s control and Parecon’ with Mark Evans (Project for a Participatory Society)
– ‘Nonviolence, armed self-defence and participatory democracy: lessons from the Black freedom struggle’ with Gabriel Carlyle (Voices UK)